PBC News – Training Tips and Team Building Ideas

2 01, 2014

How To Build Teams That Will Respect You In The Morning

By |2014-02-13T17:41:30+00:00January 2, 2014|PBC Tip, Team Tip|

Team and Team Work Tip:  HOW TO BUILD TEAMS THAT WILL STILL RESPECT YOU IN THE MORNING: You can't pick up a business magazine today without reading an article about team building. It is THE hot management topic. Most of these articles over simplify the team approach and the effort required to build successful business [...]

20 11, 2013

Stop Solving Problems

By |2014-02-13T17:40:25+00:00November 20, 2013|Management Tip, PBC Tip|

Management Development Tip:  Stop Solving Problem Want to develop your employee, supervisors and direct reports?  Stop answering their questions.  Stop solving problems. Sound like a crazy idea? Sure it is. But, the concept will help your direct reports begin the process of independent thinking. When a member of you team comes to you with a [...]

13 09, 2013

What’s The Difference Between A Facilitator and Trainer

By |2014-02-13T17:37:01+00:00September 13, 2013|PBC Tip, Training Tip|

Training Tip:  What’s the difference between a facilitator and trainer? The facilitator will ask you that question and trainer will tell you the answer. The facilitator uses a Socratic approach to learning, while the trainer typically disseminates information. To be sure, both are very effective, and each has its place in a learning organization. Facilitation [...]

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